Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Alphabet of the day: F

F for Friendship
That begun from 3 days before Christmast day in 2014
I'm sure you have no idea
How grateful am I
to have a best friend like you..

F for Fun
Sometimes, we spend our time together
To laugh
to share
or even to cry...
Every seconds that I spend with you are my favorite

F for Fight
Even if sometimes we fight,
we argue,
and most of the time, we hurt each other.
Let me tell you, "Its worth it."
Its really worth it
Its normal not to be perfect.
Rough times come to build our friendship
stronger than before
Isn't it?

F for Faith
I like to share my stories with you.
Even if it shows the darkest part of my life,
I trust you will not underestimate me
I believe you will not judge me
Because, I know you accept me as the way I am
with all of my flaws and beauty

F for Family
I love you in my life as my own sister,
unbiological sister,
You gave me such a sweet calling, "Nakama.."

Surely, I'm proud to be your nakama.

And, this is the best thing of alphabet 'F'--the one I love the most.

F stands for Flavia
The name of angel that taught me how to love each other,
how to be kind,
how to relax with the World,
The name of angel that taught me how it feels to have a best friend,
to care each other.

I love her laugh,
her annoying jokes,
her smile,
her stupid face,
her short body and her short hair,
her voice,
her words,
her playing on music,
her kindness,
her wings,
her flaws,
her darkest part,

I love her as the whole 'Flavia' that I know.

Thank, God.
I met her.

15 Februari 2016,

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